Late this evening, Mirror released a statement & video on Black Lives Matter via Facebook. Among other things, they will be donating money to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, The Marsha P. Johnson Institute and CampaignZERO.
We stand with the black community–our friends, colleagues and Members.
We share their outrage and sadness over historic oppression, systemic inequity and daily injustice.
Black Lives Matter.
We believe that silence speaks and action is important. We are donating to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, The Marsha P. Johnson Institute and CampaignZERO.
We have been inspired by so many voices for change over the past few weeks including two of our own, Rachel Nicks and Gerren Likes. We will continue to use our platform to amplify and support those who should be heard.
“A championship can be decided by one point…these tough and seemingly fruitless conversations that we are having aren’t going to change everyone’s mind. But it may change just enough people to make things right, or persuade the mind of the person who has the singular power to affect change. Hug your loved ones. Fight for us to be able to hug ours.” –Gerren Liles
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