Ellen, the TV show hosted by Ellen DeGeneres, celebrated the holiday season with a series of special episodes titled “Ellen’s Greatest Night of Giveaways.” On these episodes, Ellen and some celebrity friends spread holiday cheer by giving away gifts to people across the country as well as the in-studio audience members. Jennifer Anniston, Chrissy Teigen, and Justin Timberlake were among the celebrities to drop in.
During the episode with Jennifer Anniston, one of the gifts that was given to every member of the studio audience was a Hydrow, along with a free six month’s worth of subscription! You can see the moment from the episode below, starting around the 2:15 mark.
Between this giveaway and the large number of Hydrow devices that were sure to have been sold during Best Buy’s Hydrow Black Friday sale, it seems like the community might have a lot more competition on the leaderboard in the next few weeks as all the new Hydrow owners start rowing!
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